Saturday, April 21, 2012

Bad Poetry

I realized that I used to write a lot of poetry and hardly any prose, but now I'm starting to realize that things have changed. I rarely write poetry anymore and I wondered why. Now I know.

I can't write bad poetry
no more.
all my thoughts
locked up in my head
so tight so tight
and I threw away the key
sometime ago sometime sometime ago
and I can't write poetry
no more.
the words refuse to flow
they wont go
where I want them to 
or show
what I want them to show
what's deep inside my mind
I can't write love poetry
no more.
the soft turn of phrase
that I need to say
Baby I LOVE You
be mine Forever
is gone
locked in the brain box
and I threw away the key
short time ago short short time ago
I can't write hate poetry
no more.
I can't say you Bastard you Ruined my life
I Hate You I Hate You
my able sharpness is gone
my soul song is gone
locked in the mind box
and I threw away the key
long ago long long ago
and I don't can't won't
write bad poetry
no more.