Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Bits and Pieces VIII

'I'm just tired'
I mutter.
You say:
'If they want you,
they will not lose you.
That is how it works.' 
But he placed his hands on my mind
before reaching for my waist.
I'd forgotten how much it hurts
to have my heart broken. 
Until I was lying on my bedroom floor
with mascara running down my face
gasping for air
Some days, I feel everything at once.
I feel it in a way that makes me tired to my very bones.
Others, I feel nothing at all. 
Perhaps I don't deserve nice things
because I'm paying for sins that
I don't remember.  
He was the love that came without warning.
He had my heart before I could say NO.
I loved him and forgot the consequences. 
I forgot
People are not good to each other.
People are not good to each other.
People are not good to each other.
And now, it's either be dragged or let go.
I let go.
Because he threw me away.


My thanks to Rupi Kaur, Nikita Gill, (h.m), visualxpoetry, R.M Drake, s.b, S.Z, and Charles Bukowski for the words.